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A smart low-cost application available for Apple devices via the Apple iTunes Store.

The App helps with creating, designing and displaying Weaving drafts and patterns using the touchscreen of your device. It can also import WIF files from or found elsewhere. Weavers create the threading, treadling and tie-up and WeaveIt will display the draft as a drawdown.

There are 3 add ons that are well worth the extra cost.

Designer Tools give options to turn drafts and find floats and more.

The treadle and threading tracker is priceless IMHO!

Finally the project calculator works in metric and imperial, and as well as calculating how much yarn your project will take there are several other very useful features.

I have found this App very useful and well worth its modest price. More information on the WeaveIt website.

There are also WeaveIt Pro versions for both MacOS and Windows. The layout is very similar so upgrading doesn’t feel totally unfamiliar and although more expensive than iWeaveit the huge increase in in features justifies the price tag. As with all of the major weaving programmes currently available it is possible to download a fully functioning demo version from the website, the only features usually disabled are save and print. If you are thinking of buying a weaving design programme it is definitely worth trying before buying.