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Online Weaving Resources

Recently I have been thinking about some of the great weaving resources that can be found on the internet. Sometimes I need to quickly look something up, find the answer, and move on. But other sites I find myself going back to time and time again. It’s good to share, so here are two that fall into the second category. if you haven’t already found them here are two of my favourites.

Helen. has thousands of weaving drafts, hundreds of articles, books and monographs as well as some basic but nevertheless very useful weaving draft software. Lots of this content is available with a free account but to access everything an annual subscription is required.  This is currently $29.99 (US). New features and improvements are ongoing.

Probably the best value weaving resource money can buy!

Peggy Osterkamp

Peggy is the author of several really great books and her website is full of information.

Peggy advocates using Ashenhurst’s Rule  to calculate sett and explains it very clearly on her website. It is based on based on yards per pound or metres per kilo meaning the sett is calculated using the size of the yarn regardless of fibre content.

There’s a lot of reference information for both novice and seasoned weavers, including some great tips on warping, using lease sticks and weaver’s knots, but my two most used (and bookmarked) pages are: