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Hello from Helen and John at Weaving Looms and the Toika Loom Studio.

You may remember that back in October 2022 we started our journey into retirement by closing “My Fine Weaving Yarn” and transferring our yarn business to our trusted friends Adrian and Grace at Weaving Yarn Limited. We continued to sell weaving equipment at Weaving Looms and also established the Toika Loom Studio where customers planning to buy a floor loom can see and weave with a variety of Toika looms.

We have now decided to step back from online retail altogether and we are delighted that Adrian and Grace will be taking over with immediate effect. They will supply the full range of Weaving Looms products including Toika shuttles, stretchers, reeds and raddles and of course Texsolv heddles, alongside their popular range of yarns.

They are also opening their own Toika Loom Studio in Llangurig, so you will be able to test drive Toika in either Mid Wales or Leicestershire!

We hope that you will join us in wishing Adrian and Grace all the best as they take the combined business forwards. We know that they are committed to bringing you great quality products and will support your weaving journey.

Helen and John.